Thursday, December 3, 2009

That Blogging Feeling

I'm giving notice right now that this post has no pictures, so it might be boring...

For the last few days I've wanted to post something, but I didn't have anything in particular to write about. I still don't have anything to write about but I'm writing anyway.

Two days ago I realized that William can now smile because he's happy, not just because he has the toots. He was also laughing in his sleep today and it was adorable. *This is where I could post a picture of him smiling, but I don't have one since they're a little unpredictable and he hasn't been very happy because of this next part...
I'm filled with guilt because I took some medicine and William got a rash from it. My friend Season said that a big part of parenting must be feeling guilty and I think she might be right.
So, Will has a diaper rash and we're all sad about it, but it's starting to look better. However, I don't know the average life span of a diaper rash.

This Thanksgiving was a little different. All the food was great (except the things I made, but that's a different story) and it was
great to be with family, but Dad Rasmussen was really sick with a cold and flu and by the next day about 4 other people in the family had it, one of those people being Carter. So, for the next few days Carter had the cold/flu and Will and I stayed away from him.
Turns out that we didn't stay quite far enough away because now I'm getting it. Luckily not the flu part, just the cold (that's why I took the fateful medicine). Will hasn't gotten sick and I don't think he will (the miracle of breast feeding) but I'll keep you posted because I know you're all very interested.
We did take advantage of some Black Friday deals at Best Buy. We adopted a TV.. and a Wii. This is an invitation to anyone that would like to come and play with us, we'd love to have you! I can guarantee that you will beat me.

It is now time to wrap up this haphazard post with a wish for all of you to have a very happy holiday season! We love you all!


Season said...

What an honor to be mentioned in your blog! I hope you all get feeling better soon. It was fun to see you and cutie Will the other day!

Tedi @ Running with Infertility said...

YAY! a Wii! That means we can bring our controllers or you can bring yours and then we can have wii fun! :) Katie we need to do things more often!